Wednesday 10 June 2009

internet finally

Haven't written for a while as have no internet connection oh and the slight issue of a very cute new addition to the family a very cute jack russell!!! Dash is his name 9 weeks old and the most adorable bundle of fun ever. Pictures will follow when i finally manage to find my camera dont want to miss the growing up of the little one.

Murphy has had good and bad days in the last week. Flat work really has come on in leaps and bounds. We went to where I used to keep him when I was freelance as they were running a clinc with Adam Mills. We worked on lateral flexibility his flexion longitudinally is super and is workng really well that way however his left and right flexion (right worse) isn't as good so that really was then focus of the lesson. We worked a lot on flexion both true and counter flexion which really seemed to help. He began to really come through from behind and spent more time on his hindlegs resulting in a super super trot with real suspension and elevation. His leg yield and shoulder-in became so much better and even the canter really began to improve. The lesson was very beneficial and will most definatley be going back for another one. I learnt a huge amount which not only have I been abe to use on Murphy but also on the other horses which I ride and has really helped me in the way I think when I ride now. Obviously it doesn;t work for every horse in every situation but in many cases it really has helped. His jumping is a bit hit and miss at the moment one day he is excellent and another he's good but not so great if that makes sense. Partly it might be me I'm a little up and down at the moment which obviously, no matter how hard you try, does transfer to the horse a little which effects the way they work.

He had the physio yesterday so had today off so I jumped a couple of the horses at the riding school which actually I rather enjoyed as it was something different. It was also nice to see how I can now jump them having not jumped them for ages. One was the little ex show cob and the other was a horse I haven't jumped since my stage 3 who is not the easiest. However they both jumped really nicely and did a little bit of height on the second horse. It's all good practice for my next exam as obviously won't get Murphy so it's very helpful to continue to ride other horses. Am jumping again tomorrow , not on Murphy as he has to have a day off today and an easy day tomorrow so am jumping one of the novice horses at Rycroft. This will be quite nice as I have just started to school him to help the horse a little. He's nothing special but I do believe that he could go quite sweetly which will be beneficial to him as hopefully will keep him a little more supple and also make him easier to teach with.

The physio was really pleased with Murphy and saus he is a lot better than last time she saw him in muscle development and in his flexibility. He did however have a few tight spots but that is to be expected really and will see the physio again end of July. I am a great believer in keeping horse supple and to have him checked every 6 weeks etc as I belive prevention is better than cure and of course the horse can only go well and do what is asked of him and enjoy his work if he feels wel in himself.

Off to Wellington Riding tonight to watch the gala evening dressage with a few friends with should be good so am really looking forward to it. Dash puppy has gone to a friends of mine for the afternoon/evening so will be having lots of fun.


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