Sunday 14 June 2009


meet dash! This is my dear sweet little Jack Russell puppy and some of the reason why I am so so tired at the moment! Bless him he really is sweet but I just wish his little bladder would go a little longer through the night. He's very good i.e. he yaps when he needs the loo so is pretty much house trained inless I don't wake up in time-oops!!! This does however mean my sleep is interrupted and although I go back to sleep it's just not quite the same. Mike adores him which always helps.
Had a bit of a wierd week. Murphy had physio which meant wednesday off work and an easy day thursday. We then had a PTT exam at the yard on friday which meant an early start and of course no school which to ride in so out hacking we went again. He went out in the field in the afternoon and apparently lost the plot rolled then got up and galloped round the field with his hind legs way above his head-hmmm silly pony. The result a lame horse in the evening and a slight swelling on his fetlock joint not so great. He was slightly better saturday but had the day off and was sound by the evening making me think about maybe it was just a bang fingers crossed. Today he was sound (big sigh of relief-phew!!!) so I took him out for a quiet hack with one of our clients who was going on her first hack so a nice quiet walk and a couple of small trots. This was perfect although I'm not sure Murphy's high spirits did her nerves much good but her horse was foot perfect so that's something. He is sound tonight so fingers crossed he will still be fine tomorrow.
There is no words for how I am feeling tonight. Tired is most definately one of them and I'm sure that's not helping. Ever get those days where you feel bit down so you start to reflect which makes you feel a little worse? It's like a never ending spiral that at some point you just have to pull yourself out of which is easier said than done but it does have to be done or else life would be a little depressing don't you think??!!! Anyways going to pull myself out of this little black hole ready to start a new day tomorrow. The puppy however is great at making you feel better whata little superstar he is.

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