Wednesday 28 October 2009

being sick just isnt an option

So I think it has finally caught up with me all these crazy hours. Felt rather ill yesterday with a nasty temperature and dizziness and knowing I had a busy day today i thought I'd try get an early night last night but best laid plans and all that and was nearly 11 by the time i actually got into bed!

So i set off this morning feeling rather ill and not really sure how to get through the day but as usual off I went and finish the day I did. Had a super day really as got asked to jump a friend of a friend's horse as she has unfortunately broken her wrist actually falling off this particular horse. We did fairly well if you ignore the bucking as he does when jumping in particular in combinations!!! He has had everything under the sun checked and it has been put down to being young and rather exhuburent!! Anyway we had a double clear in the first class and just rolled a pole in the second due to some lack of attention by him and me being slightly slow and not keeping his balance a rythmn would like to put that down to being ill but have never been one for excuses so will just say that I didn't ride that great and to be honest felt like I have let the horse and my friend down but I will keep the ride on this cheeky chap untill her wrist is mended and maybe even after-super!

Funny isn't it how when we feel like we have nothing left and everything is a struggle that we find this inner strength that enables us to keep on going and even when the battery is empty somehow we find that reserve tank and on we go. Or maybe its the thought that we are being looked after by that very special guardian angel that helps us get through everyday and just knowing that that presence is there is enough to go on even through the extremely tough times. No matter how hard life gets and that we feel that the rollarcoaster we are on is never going to come back up or even plateau we have to remember this...
' the light at the end of the tunnel doesn't always have to be a train'!


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