Monday, 23 March 2009

day of fun and sadness

Just got in from seeing my friend and my god-daughter she really is growing up fast. She is the most sweet little girl in the world and always seem to make you laugh-what a great gift she has.

So now I am sat here writing this and trying to write my assessment sheets for the people i teach at a riding school. They do this 4 times a year order to monitor the progress of their clients. Great idea in theory however I shall not miss this trying to write what they need to work on in a positive way. I am awful at this and I really should have had them done last week but they always seem to go to the bottom on the pile. Still nearly done them.

So today was full of lots of fun and a little sadness. So first to the fun...
As I had to work yesterday today I took my dear Mum out to lunch and then on to a bit of shopping which she seemed to very much enjoy. It is so nice to spend time with her only wish I could do it more often but we do it as much as we can. Had a super chat with her over lunch and then spent considerable amount of time looking in shops lots of giggles and buying my Dads presents for his birthday tomorrow. I also had a super lesson on my new horse and its looking like he is going to be fab so he'll be out lots this season.
So to the sadness....
I have had this client that I have taught consistently since I very first went freelance week in week out and am so so pleased with both her and her horse's progress. The little horse has gone from being so unbalanced and not really knowing what is being asked of him to winning unaff novice dressage,SJ and behaving perfectly on XC so fingers crossed she will event him this year. He really has been a challenge. Super horse but was very muddled in his head many people would have given up on him but she has continued with him and now they are looking very promising. So I am wishing them a very happy summer and beyond competing and doing well. It is super to look at them now and how far they have come and although I will still see her as a friend I will no longer teach her. This is where going back full time becomes a little difficult. Still I cannot wait for the new challenges ahead.

I have to be up early my day starts at 7.30 and have to muck mine out before hand so a quick chat with my super friend then off to sleep.


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